In achieving results and meeting goals, many variables create a "marked difference" compared to those who lag behind. By “those”, we mean the individuals and organizations. Among these variables, we talk about differentiation, strategic thinking, leadership, and teamwork. Without a doubt, all these aspects are important.
Still, there is one that makes a difference in the long term: achieving results despite other variables not being at their best. In this sense, a results-oriented approach is both an individual competency and a collective capability. It is achieved through repetition and the creation of habits until it forms an individual and organizational culture.
Let’s talk then about “results oriented”
Eric Ries, in his book Lean Startup, tells us–in the context of entrepreneurship–that few implementations match the idea of those in business. In the same realm, Bill Gross analyzes several hundred startups. He determines that the team and its execution are the second most important success factor, only behind the correct timing of implementation. Both Ries and Gross highlight the need for effective execution and focusing on achieving the expected collective results. But what do you mean when we talk about “results orientation”?
Let’s preliminarily define “results orientation” as the competency–whether individual or collective–that allows for timely comprehensive problem-solving or need fulfillment, beyond agreed reports, deliverables, and KPIs.
Clearly, the first step is to correctly identify the problem or need. Otherwise, you would be working to generate results in the wrong direction. Ries himself–in his aforementioned book Lean Startup–discusses vanity metrics: Those KPIs that merely inflate executives’ egos without truly addressing problems or fully satisfying needs.
At this point, we assume the prior analysis, guidance, and a cycle of “communication-feedback-improvement” in place, ensuring we address the right problems and needs. This is the realm of other competencies such as strategic thinking and communication. So, when we talk about results orientation, we are not talking about simply meeting deliverables, reports, KPIs, or programs. We are talking about advancing the organization, the employees, and the customers.

Developing the Right Mindset
In an article from many years ago, Harvard Magazine comments on a truth that remains most relevant: “Most improvement efforts have as much impact on a company’s performance as a rain dance has on the weather.” The article points out how many organizational cultures are focused on “activities” rather than results. They focus on doing the task, not necessarily advancing; achieving certification, not necessarily improving.
In another article from the same magazine, there is mention of “magical thinking”. This concept refers to the belief that we can achieve extraordinary results on a specific day despite evidence proving otherwise. After all, in today’s business, it’s common, both in large and small companies, for employees to be overwhelmed with several duties. This immense work overload can lead to two significant mistakes:
- Falling into the aforementioned magical thinking and not setting realistic deadlines.
- Losing focus on solving important problems and satisfying needs in a way that generates a real impact in my role and in my organization.
It’s about, therefore, being persistent with the expected result and flexible in how to achieve it. Note, with less emphasis on how to do it or the form or process to achieve the result. Let’s delve into this further.
Persistence and Flexibility
Let’s discuss the book 212 The Extra Degree: Extraordinary Results Begin with One Small Change by Sam Parker and Mark Anderson. They developed a narrative based on the premise that water boils only at 212°F, under specific conditions; below that, it’s just hot water. True change, the expected result, is only achieved when reaching a certain point, not before. Getting there requires persistence and flexibility.
Being persistent requires advancing dispute obstacles, necessitating resilience, tolerance for frustration, and sometimes patience throughout the processes. Persistence involves staying focused on achieving something over a potentially significant period of time. Being persistent requires both patience and ambition. In essence, it requires a mindset that questions the status quo and pushes both oneself and others out of their comfort zone. We’ll revisit this mindset later on.
Being flexible means adapting to the environment and adjusting methods to achieve results despite changes and complications. Being flexible involves constantly reviewing the resources at hand to determine how to make better use of them. By being flexible, we continually seek creative ways to leverage the strengths of our teams and foster their ongoing development.
Often, when we talk about “results orientation”, we think of “going the extra mile”. Going the extra mile is commendable and necessary, but it’s more about hard work than about the results achieved. After all, I could go the extra mile and only heat the water to 211 degrees–it didn’t boil. I didn’t get the result, I didn’t solve the problem.
So, it’s more about “going the necessary mile”, which is why we talk about flexibility. Sometimes it’s just about making a phone call, sending an email, or having a brief conversation to clear up a misunderstanding. Sometimes it’s simply about pushing a bit harder to get the expected “yes”.
In many of these cases, the time investment will be significant. In others, it will require rethinking the proposal, building a new strategy, finding a new business partner who aligns with the company’s culture and demands, etc. In these cases, it will be necessary to invest more time, energy, and focus. So, it’s not just about working hard. It’s about understanding what needs to be done to achieve the expected result and deliver the solution that my boss, colleague, and my client need.

The concept of Self-Control
Earlier, we talked about a “mindset”. In this case, we introduce a concept that is not new. It was proposed decades ago by one of the fathers of total quality management, Josep Juran, who advocated the concept of self-control:
“When work is organized in a way that allows a person to have complete mastery over achieving the planned results, it is said that this person is in a state of self-control and can therefore take responsibility for the outcomes.”
To be in self-control, according to Juran, you must have:
- Knowledge of what you are supposed to do. You must be aware of what is expected of you. As you move up in managerial levels, the level of clarity in your role’s expectations increases.
- Knowledge of your performance. You should know how to measure your performance beyond mere reports and deliverables. As you advance in the organization, you should constantly ask yourself, “How can I measure actual progress?”\
- Means to improve your performance. If you are not achieving your goals, you must be able to continually review and identify discrepancies between expected and actual outcomes. You should take action to correct these variations.
Juran’s approach can be summarized as understanding what is expected and having the means to adjust and improve when results fall short.
It is worth noting that, in the third point, beyond Juran’s model, it is extremely useful to have an additional behavior: being introspective.
Introspection, in this case, means looking within yourself to evaluate the process and the results obtained and asking yourself: Am I being persistent enough? Is it time to pause persistence and be flexible? Am I using resources effectively and maximizing the strengths and synergy of my team?
Finally, to ensure that achieving the expected results is worthwhile, we must keep the following in mind:
- Achieving the expected results should lead to enhancing individual and collective capacities to achieve future results. It’s like a 100-meter dash athlete who improves their times, preparing gradually to constantly improve their records and capabilities.
Here, we return to the preliminary definition mentioned above to complete it: we must solve in the present while increasing individual and collective capacities to solve in the future.
For example, many managers achieve tremendous results but leave a trail of destruction in their wake: people mistreated, policies violated, conflicts deepened, and a long list of issues that will make it increasingly difficult to achieve new results. This is not what we seek. It is contrary to sustained development that enhances the capacity to solve problems and generate solutions.
- To conclude, every human capacity is enhanced when those performing it enjoy the process. This leads us to more complex aspects related to the environment, emotional salary, and a culture that allows celebrating both small and large achievements. Most importantly, selecting the right people and placing them in the correct positions according to their abilities and preferences.
Achieving consistent results over time is something that can be learned both individually and organizationally. The latter, of course, presents greater challenges and a longer learning curve. Additionally, winning organizations that progress by finding solutions and challenging the status quo also surround themselves with like-minded companies.
Identifying winning companies is not an easy task, but there are easily identifiable indicators that help in this process. These indicators are based on several factors. These include understanding the company’s past behavior, whether it has endured, if it has secured demanding and successful clients, and most importantly if it has achieved a high client retention rate.
Does your business have a strong results-oriented culture?
Do your suppliers share the same culture?
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